This could have been the first piece; I wrote for the Data Product Leader Substack. To be candid and transparent, the reason why I did not is because I have been on Substack for nearly two years without much activity.
While, I have been writing a substantial amount, I have not had the mindset to share for common patterns of dysfunction such as imposter syndrome, laziness, concern for the external perception of my worldview etc. I say these are common patterns based on many similar commentaries shared by the collective of folks that produce representation of their ideas and experience on the internet. My mindset has shifted based on numerous 1:1 conversations of coaching, mentoring, networking with product and data folks across different domains, as well as being coached and mentored by some excellent people.
In this post I am putting my cards on the table setting some expectations to improve the clarity and focus of the direction of the investment of time and thought capital of folks that interact with this newsletter.
To connect and share learnings about data and product management with folks from diverse backgrounds on similar journeys.
To contribute to the data and product management body of knowledge on the internet
To help folks who are starting the journey or in early stages gain confidence and deliver valuable products in the market.
Throughout my career, I have been inclined to learn from folks from diverse backgrounds on similar journeys, and to share learnings.
Throughout the past 17 years of my professional career and over 25 years of enthusiastic tinkering around with technology, I have had several cycles of learning, learning by doing, learning by teaching, unlearning, and relearning. I can testify that unlearning and relearning are likely the hardest elements. I have learned to unlearn and relearn concepts by trying to diversify and learning totally different subjects.
I am inclined to believe that I have relevant experience and insights to share and meaningfully contribute to the data and product management body of knowledge. I am consistently investing in learning for myself taking courses, being coached and mentored by people who are more experienced and accomplished.
Finally, I have been around training, coaching, mentoring, helping others learn and excel in complex subjects since I was 13 and I was a math tutor for couple of 7th graders. Found assisting teachers with programming assessments exciting when I was 16. Ran training sessions on databases, healthcare software implementation, big data ecosystem, data science between 2011 and 2016. Coached and mentored product managers and product leaders since 2020. This has been a big part of my life and I am looking for this as a medium to continue the thread.
Who am I writing for?
I think to myself a lot. I believe the word is introspection. Writing is thinking and that would the first order anyway since I will have to read my work and edit.
I love interacting with all types of people, but this newsletter is meant broadly for anyone enthusiastic about or actively working in solving business and human problems with data. It is people who would identify data or product management as their vocation.
For folks who are starting out and hoping to learn and grow in a vocation involving data and product management, I am here to help.
What to expect
I am writing about experiences in data and product management including the entire experience of exploring and landing opportunities, working in data product roles, challenges with org design, leadership, talent development, engagement. Based on the experiences and tactics, I am going to dive into the principles and concepts, frameworks, run-books, economics, technology ecosystem relevant to data products.
I am not omniscient, my professional knowledge and experience is limited to what I have done, what I have learnt etc. As my conceptual understanding of a topic is refined, I intend to update the articles. This will help me to accept imperfections and rough edges and optimize for satiating my curiosity and improving 1% each day.
I am blocking my calendar to write, and engage, as well as take on a structured challenge to be consistent, and I hope to have a meaningful conversation with you on the topics I write about.
Here we are and I am working towards consistently sharing experience, ideas, observations, patterns through diverse digital avenues. I published my first essay a couple of months back and I have had several encouraging interactions and conversations with data practitioners and product leaders.
I am trying to figure out a cadence of writing meaningful posts around data products and trying to figure out an answer to the question:
what is the ideal frequency?
I have a few ideas in my drafts and I am about to start editing and publishing them soon. Looking forward to the conversations that follow.
Have a great weekend. Appreciate your time. Talk soon.